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How To Make It Last With Shea Moisture

How To Make It Last With Shea Moisture

How To Make It Last With Shea Moisture Wash N Go Curl Primer | Travel Beauty Blog

*Special thanks to Influenster and Shea Moisture for sponsoring the Wash N Go Primer. The sample product was received for review purposes and all opinions expressed are my own.*

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Shea Moisture Coconut Custard Make It Last Wash N’ Go Curl Primer

How To Make It Last With Shea Moisture Wash N Go Curl Primer | Travel Beauty Blog

How To Make It Last With Shea Moisture Wash And Go

I was ecstatic when I received an email from Influenster stating that they were sending me the Shea Moisture Wash N Go Primer to review. As a naturalista I tend to stick to what works for my hair type but I don’t mind trying new products from time to time.

While I have used products from this brand before I had not yet tried this curl primer. Since I also get asked a lot about what products I use in my hair, I decided to do an entire post about my hair routine altogether.

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My Regular Wash And Go Natural Hair Routine

My 4c wash and go routine is a very simple one. Normally I would wash my hair first using Creme Of Nature Conditioning Co-Wash or As I Am Coconut Co-Wash. Then I would condition with Cantu Moisturizing Conditioner.

After washing my hair I dry it with a towel until its damped but not soaking wet and section it into manageable portions. Once that is done I go in section by section using the L.O.C method i.e. leave-in conditioner, oil and curl cream. But in my case I apply my oil last because it works better for me that way.

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Styling My 4c Natural Hair

The product I start off with is my Design Essentials leave-in conditioner followed by the Design Essentials curl creme using the shingling method. During this time I also take the opportunity to finger detangle my hair. Sometimes I may skip the curl creme and use ECO Styler gel instead.

Once of all that is done I finish off with some Aunt Jackie All Purpose Oil all over my hair. This entire process usually takes about two hours. An hour to wash and an hour to apply products and detangle.

Putting The Wash & Go Curl Primer To The Test

On my hair-wash day over the weekend I went ahead and switched things up in order to give this Shea Moisture Coconut Custard Make It Last Wash N Go Curl Primer a try.

So I applied a generous amount of product to my hair, substituting this for my Creme of Nature Co-Wash. But this time, instead of using the Shea Moisture curl creme to style my hair, I decided to go with Eco Styler gel

Lastly I let my hair air dry for the remainder of the afternoon. Before going to bed I held it back into a low bun and tied it with my silk scarf.

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Products used for the steps listed above for my wash and go were as follows:

First Impressions Of Shea Moisture Wash And Go Curl Primer

I was blown away the minute I started putting the wash and go curl primer in my hair and how soft was hair felt. Not only that but I was finished detanlging my hair in about 30 minutes. A process that used to take 45 minutes so that was a plus for me.

Anything that can significantly cut down the time spent on my hair is deserving of buying. Additionally, I noticed that it made my hair appear elongated and stretched. Which I did not mind because one of the things I dislike about natural hair is the way our hair shrinks especially on a wash-day.

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My Shea Moisture Curly Hair Experience:

The following morning after drying 100 percent, I noticed that my hair had maintained its softness, it still looked stretch out and was not kinked. But my hair noticeably had white flakes all over it as though it needed to be washed.

Talked about disappointment! Not only that, but that morning I wore all black so you could have imagined the sight of white residue on my clothes with even a slight touch to my hair. Before leaving the house I had to spend a couple minutes dusting off flakes from my clothes.

It was a bitter-sweet moment because I really loved the results I got with the product on the previous day while my hair was still damp. Perhaps I need to test it again on its own without using any other products. Just to see if it would have flaked again or not.

Usually my hair don’t flake on the first day after washing. I would be disappointed if I were to use the curl primer again on its own or with a mix of other products and end up with a similar result or worse.

But my plan is to do a wash and go 4c hair experiment with the product on its own, to see whether I would achieve different results.


  • leaves hair feeling super soft and moisturized
  • saves time spent detangling hair
  • value for your money in terms of how much product you get for the price
  • doesn’t make your hair look white when freshly applied to damp hair
  • leaves hair airy, light and not feeling weighed down
  • perfect for 4c natural hair
  • doesn’t strip hair of moisture


  • Flakes badly and leaves hair white
  • It’s definitely not one of the best shea moisture products I’ve used

Shea Moisture Products Reviews Conclusion

The only issue I had with the wash n go curl primer is that it left my hair with white flakes. Other than that, overall its a very good product. Do you have natural hair and have you ever used this product? If so, how did it work for you?

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How To Make It Last With Shea Moisture

Last Updated on November 15, 2022 by Shevy

View Comments (2)
  • I had no idea shea moisture had this new make it last wash And go product. Will look for it at the store next time I’m shopping for hair products.

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